Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Some People Have Perfect Vision

It’s incomprehensible why many pictures posted by men and women are often so old that they date as far back as sorority or frat days. And, when asked for more pics, most of the time the new one(s) will look NOTHING like what was originally posted. Lies are NOT appreciated! However, it’s obvious that most people don’t get this, since many have told me that this keeps happening. Why are so many men and women dishonest? Don’t we get that once the truth is learned, there usually will be no chance of a date, and often any further dialogue will be discontinued? Men and women must STOP writing all the same bullshit. Seriously, most will say they enjoy the movies one night, a decked-out black tie affair the next, and then a night in at home, snuggling under a down blanket with their sweetie; it’s all so generic. Can’t most single, online, dating men and women smarten up, ditch the trite expressions, and write something truthful and catchy; is it that hard to be honest?


Anonymous said...

so true.

Anonymous said...

LOL people are dishonest about their looks because society tells them they have to be a 10..so when they look in the mirror each day the definalty dont see themselves....ahh the good old carny mirror.....if they had self confidence they wouldnt care what people thought of how they looked and would see themselves for who they trully are..ehh tell me is it the clothes that make the person or the person that make the clothes? your friend the anonymous one that you will never get my name...

The Dating Maven said...

people do not make the clothes...style is an acquired taste! Jusr like looks....;)

Anonymous said...

if its an aquired taste..then people make the clothes.....your not speaking clearly....and looks are a shallow to go by HAL.